All the publications
This space is dedicated to the memory of Lydia Caselli, painter and translator, who left us on July 23, 2016. She was the first graduate at the Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators (February 1982), with a dissertation on George Orwell’s translations. I am indebted to her for the contact with Spazio Libri Publishers.

Rosanna Masiola
"Sacred Spaces in Southern African Literature: From Mhudi to Mutemwa" in
English Academy Review, Volume 39, Issue 2 (2022)Link: This article examines the representation of sacred spaces in the novels of four[...]

Didier Rance - Traduzione: Rosanna Masiola e Renato Tomei
John Bradburne - Una vita in breveJohn Bradburne (1921-1979) visse una vita straordinaria. Durante la Seconda Guerra divenne malgrado suo, un[...]