Rosanna Masiola, Renato Tomei
"Gender in Blackness: Stereotyping in Children’s Literature, Media and Political Discourse" in

International Journal of Cross-Cultural Studies and Environmental Communication

Dialogue - Driven Change in the Public Sphere

EditorCornelia Ilie 

This paper features the strategies of gender stereotyping enacted by hegemonic groups in the sphere of institutional ‘dialogue’ and advertising discourse. The sequence of themes interfaces diachronic variation and cross-cultural differences (Italy, UK and USA). The stigma imposed on blackness in the Western world started with the translation of the Song of Songs, as perpetuated by the Latin translation “Nigra Sum Sed Formosa”, whereas the original gave: ‘I am black AND beautiful’.


EditoreEditura Universitară & ADI Publication
Copyright: © Editura Universitară & ADI Publication  
121-137 (Masiola pp.121-126)
ISSN 2285 – 3324 | ISSN-L = 2285 – 3324 | DOI: (Digital Object Identifier):10.5682/22853324
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